Top 10 Cloud Services #2: Managed Online Backup & Recovery
Why do I need backup and recovery?
As a business owner I don’t think I have to tell you how devastating a significant loss of your company’s data would mean to you, I would only be understating how important it is. Still there are companies out there that rely on antiquated systems and hardware to backup their most sensitive data.
The Small Business Administration reports that most businesses do not have a disaster recovery plan, and less than 25% of those have never been tested. NIST & IEEE report that 75% of the back-up plans companies do have fail when they are used.
If you are unable to service your clients after 2 or more days, you will probably lose them within the year! Many businesses lose significant revenue in the 1st 5 hrs during busy periods.
Most businesses do not have an emergency or business recovery plan even though they know it's important
If an organization is fortunate enough to survive a disaster without a plan for recovery, it will not survive unscathed. Aside from the direct revenue losses incurred during the failure, the organization will also suffer intangible costs such as cash flow interruption, loss of customers, loss of competitive edge, erosion of industry image, and reduced market share. Events and circumstances beyond your control such as area lock downs and access restrictions imposed by government authority can contribute to these types of losses when it can be easily prevented through cooperation and planning.
What are the benefits to Vigilant’s online backup as opposed to an onsite backup?
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